Astrology Chart


An Astrology Chart is a snapshot of celestial positions at your birth, outlining the sun, moon, and planets. It’s a guide revealing traits, strengths, and life trajectory, offering profound insights for self-awareness and life navigation. Check a sample of a chart here.

Individual Chart $60 / Individual + Romantic Partner $80.

*In order to get your chart please make your choice(s) and proceed to make a payment.  After your transaction has been approved go to our Chart Forms Page and fill the appropriate form (s).  Your chart(s) will be sent to you via email (within 48 hours) to the address you have supplied on the form.

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An Astrology Chart, also known as a natal or birth chart, is a snapshot of the celestial positions at the exact moment and location of your birth. It serves as a cosmic map, outlining the placements of the sun, moon, planets, and other celestial bodies in the zodiac. This chart is a personalized guide that reveals unique personality traits, strengths, challenges, and life’s potential trajectory. By interpreting the intricate relationships between these celestial entities, profound insights are offered into your character and life path, making the Astrology Chart a valuable tool for self-awareness and navigating life’s journey.